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Teina Davidson: 3 years old



Teina is the youngest daughter of Marama and Paul Davidson. Her father is a Pākehā New Zealander and her mother is Māori - her iwi (tribes) are Ngā Puhi and Te Rarawa, and Ngāti Porou. Paul works for Housing New Zealand and Marama works for the Human Rights Commission. They have six children and live in East Tamaki, Auckland.

The family put a high value on their Māori culture and heritage, especially since they live in the city away from their cultural roots. Teina is involved in many activities that keep her connected to her Māori ancestry, including a kapa haka group at the Manurewa Marae. This group, called Nga Mokopuna o te Tai Tonga, was set up specifically so that young children could take part and learn Māori songs, dance, and culture. The marae was established as a cultural base in Auckland city for urban Māori from different iwi.

Both Marama and Paul speak te reo Māori to Teina. Marama learnt te reo at university and Paul knows a few basic words and phrases. For both of them, the language is an important part of their identity, as well as a treasure for the nation to value and hold on to (NZ Herald, Mar 23, 2012).

The Davidsons also often visit members of their family who still live in their rural home-base and marae - it helps them to keep their iwi connections alive. On one trip last year to the Whirinaki River in Hokianga, they met up with an aunty who taught them how to make a taonga pūoro (traditional musical instrument) out of clay from the river.

At three years old, Teina is an independent, talkative little girl reaching all her developmental milestones. Teina’s parents described her as a bright but assertive girl who can be argumentative and stroppy - often typical behaviour for feisty three year olds.

Teina is in an early childhood education programme full-time. She also plays rugby with her brothers - the Davidsons are a rugby family- and loves reading, dancing, singing, music, and exploring fashion with her older sisters. Her favourite television programmes are Dora the Explorer, Umizoomi and cartoons, and her favourite foods are milk and spaghetti bolognaise. One of her most-loved toys at the moment is a ‘Barbie’ bag filled with a mixture of ‘treasures’ that once belonged to her cousin. Teina loves bragging about the way she ‘stole’ them!

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