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Mollusc publications



Studies are published in a wide range of local and international scientific journals, trade magazines, and reports.  These are used for resource management (e.g. fisheries), Department of Conservation (DoC), education, (field guides and books), and are a basic contribution to knowledge of the natural world.

1 - Dell, R.K. and Marshall, B.A., 1967. The rediscovery of the crab Cyclograpsis insularum Campbell and Griffin in New Zealand. Records of the Dominion Museum 6: 1-3.


2 - Marshall, B.A., 1970. Subfossil Mollusca from near Lake Poukawa. Appendix 3, p. 704 in Pullar, W.A., Pumice ash-beds and peaty deposits of archaeological significance near Lake Poukawa, Hawke’s Bay. New Zealand Journal of Science 13: 687-705.


3 - Marshall, B.A., 1971. Izumonauta (Argonautidae, Cephalopoda, Coleoidea) from the Kapitean Stage (Uppermost Miocene) of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 14: 288-292.


4 - Beu, A.G., Cernohorsky, W.O., Climo, F.M., Dell, R.K., Fleming, C.A., Marshall, B.A., Maxwell, P.A., Ponder, W.F., and Powell, A.W.B., 1976. A neotype for Buccinum linea Martyn, 1784 (Mollusca, Buccinidae). Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 6: 221-225.


5 - Marshall, B.A., 1977a. The Recent New Zealand species of Triforis (Gastropoda: Triforidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 4: 101-110.


6 - Marshall, B.A., 1977b. The dextral triforid genus Metaxia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the southwest Pacific. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 4: 111-117.


7 - Popham, D. and Marshall, B.A., 1977. The fine structure of the spermatozoon of the protobranch bivalve, Nucula hartvigiana Pfeiffer. The Veliger 19: 431-433.


8 - Marshall, B.A., 1978a. Cerithiopsidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of New Zealand, and a provisional classification of the family. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 5: 47-120.


9 - Marshall, B.A., 1978b. The genus Neilo in New Zealand (Mollusca: Bivalvia). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 5: 425-436.


10 - Marshall, B.A., 1979a. Additional dextral triphorids (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 6: 397-404.


11 - Marshall, B.A., 1979b. The Trochidae and Turbinidae of the Kermadec Ridge (Mollusca: Gastropoda). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 6: 521-552.


12 - Marshall, B.A., 1980. The systematic position of Triforis Deshayes (Mollusca: Gastropoda). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 85-88.


13 - Willan, R.C., Marshall, B.A., Climo, F.M. and Cernohorsky, W.O., 1980. Rectification of nomenclature of Melagraphia aethiops (Gmelin) and Diloma bicanaliculata (Dunker) (Mollusca: Trochidae). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 14: 413-415.


14 - Marshall, B.A., 1981a. Fossil collections from Raoul Island. Boat Cove Formation. Appendix 1, pp 90, 91 in Lloyd, E.F. and Nathan, S., Geology and tephrochronology of Raoul Island, Kermadec Group, New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey Bulletin 95: 1-105.


15 - Marshall, B.A., 1981b. The genus Williamia in the western Pacific (Mollusca: Siphonariidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 8: 487-492.


16 - Marshall, B.A., 1981c. New records of Conidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the New Zealand region. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 8: 493-501.


17 - Marshall, B.A., 1983a. A revision of the Recent Triphoridae of southern Australia (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Records of The Australian Museum, Supplement 2. 1-119.


18 - Marshall, B.A., 1983b. Acremodontinae: A new subfamily of the Trochidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). National Museum of New Zealand Records 2: 127-130.


19 - Marshall, B.A., 1983c. The family Cocculinellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in New Zealand. National Museum of New Zealand Records 2: 139-143.


20 - Marshall, B.A., 1983d. Recent and Tertiary Seguenziidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the New Zealand region. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 10: 235-262.


21 - Marshall, B.A., 1984. Adelacerithiinae: A new subfamily of the Triphoridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Journal of Molluscan Studies 50: 78-84.


22 - Marshall, B.A., 1985a. Recent and Tertiary deep-sea limpets of the genus Pectinodonta Dall (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from New Zealand and New South Wales. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 12: 273-282.


23 - Hicks, G.R.F. and Marshall, B.A., 1985. Sex selective predation of deep-sea meiobenthic copepods by pectinacean bivalves and its influence on copepod sex ratios. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 19: 227-231.


24 - Marshall, B.A., 1986. Recent and Tertiary Cocculinidae and Pseudococculinidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from New Zealand and New South Wales. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 12: 505-546.


25 - Jones, J.B. and Marshall, B.A., 1986. Cocculinika myzorama new genus, new species, a parasitic copepod from a deep-sea wood ingesting limpet. Journal of Crustacean Biology 6: 166-169.


26 - Marshall, B.A., 1987. Osteopeltidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda): A new family of limpets associated with whale bone in the deep-sea. Journal of Molluscan Studies 53: 121-127.


27 - Marshall, B.A., 1988a. Thysanodontinae: A new subfamily of the Trochidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Journal of Molluscan Studies 54: 215-229.


28 - Marshall, B.A., 1988b. New Seguenziidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Tasman, South Pacific and Southern Antilles Basins. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 15: 235-347.


29 - Marshall, B.A., 1988c. Skeneidae, Vitrinellidae and Orbitestellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) associated with biogenic substrata from New Zealand and New South Wales. Journal of Natural History 22: 949-1004.


30 - Marshall, B.A., 1990. Micropilina tangaroa, a new monoplacophoran (Mollusca) from northern New Zealand. The Nautilus 104: 105-107.


31 - Marshall, B.A., 1991a. Mollusca Gastropoda: Seguenziidae from New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands. Résultats des Campagnes Musorstom 7. Memoires de la Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (A) 150: 41-109.


32 - Marshall, B.A., 1991b. Dates of publication and supraspecific taxa of Bellardi and Sacco’s (1873-1904) “I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria”, and Sacco’s (1890) “Catalogo paleontologico del bacino terziario del Piemonte”. The Nautilus 105: 105-115.


33 - Marshall, B.A., 1992. A revision of the Recent species of Eudolium Dall, 1889 (Gastropoda: Tonnoidea). The Nautilus 106: 24-38.


34 - Beu, A.G., Marshall, B.A., and Ponder, W.F., 1992. Comments on the proposed confirmation of unavailability of the name Fusus Helbling, 1779 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) (2). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 49: 68-70.


35 - Marshall, B.A., 1993a. A review of the genus Kaiparathina Laws, 1941 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea). The Veliger 36: 185-198.


36 - Marshall, B.A., 1993b. The systematic position of Larochea Finlay, 1927, and introduction of a new genus and two new species (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Scissurellidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies 59: 285-294.


37 - Marshall, B.A., 1994a. Mollusca. Pp. 25-28 in McCrone, A. (ed.), A draft status list for New Zealand’s marine flora and fauna. Department of Conservation, Wellington.


38 - Marshall, B.A., 1994b. Deep-sea gastropods from the New Zealand region associated with Recent whale bone and an Eocene turtle. The Nautilus 108: 1-8.


39 - Marshall, B.A., 1994c. An unusual triphorid (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Moluccas, Indonesia. Zoologische Mededilingen 68: 39-43.


40 - Marshall, B.A., 1994d. A new species of Calliostoma from New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea). Molluscan Research 15: 67-69.


41 - Marshall, B.A., 1995a. Recent and Tertiary Trochaclididae from the southwest Pacific (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea). The Veliger 38: 92-115.


42 - Marshall, B.A., 1995b. A revision of the Recent Calliostomatidae of New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea). The Nautilus 108: 83-126.


43 - Marshall, B.A., 1995c. Calliostomatidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea) from New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands, and the northern Lord Howe Rise. Résultats des Campagnes Musorstom 14 (Bouchet, P., ed.). Memoires de la Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 167: 381-458.


44 - Marshall, B.A., 1995d. Molluscan and brachiopod taxa introduced by F. W. Hutton in The New Zealand Journal of Science. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 25: 495-500.


45 - Marshall, B.A. and Houart, R., 1995. A revision of the genus Poirieria Jousseaume, 1880 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Muricidae) with description of a new species. The Nautilus 108: 27 – 33.


46 - Harasewych, M.G. and Marshall, B.A., 1995. Zygomelon zodion, a new genus and species of bathyal volute from New Zealand. The Veliger 38: 145 – 151.


47 - Marshall, B.A., 1996a. A new subfamily of the Addisoniidae associated with cephalopod beaks from the tropical south-west Pacific, and a new pseudococculinid associated with chondrichthyan egg cases from New Zealand (Mollusca: Lepetelloidea). The Veliger 39: 250-259.


48 - Marshall, B.A., 1996b. Molluscan name-bearing types in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Tuhinga 9: 1-85.


49 - Lewis, K., Marshall, B.A., 1996. Seep faunas and other indicators of methane-rich dewatering on New Zealand convergent margins. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 39: 181-200.


50 - Marshall, B.A., 1997. A luminescent eulimid (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from New Zealand. Molluscan Research 18: 69-72.


51 - Dijkstra, H.H. and Marshall, B.A., 1997. Pectinoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae: Pectinidae) of Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and the Kermadec Islands. Molluscan Research 18: 73-114.


52 - Freeman, A.N.D., Marshall, B.A., Maxwell, P.A., Walker, M.W. and Nicholls, D.C., 1997. Recent molluscan name-bearing types in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum 11: 17-41. [corrigendum RCM 12: 177]


53 - Marshall, B.A., 1998a. Marine Mollusca from Wellington Harbour & approaches. Appendix 5, pp145-155 in Heine, J. (ed.), Te Whanganui a Tara Wellington Harbour. Review of scientific & technical studies of Wellington Harbour, New Zealand, to 1997. East Harbour Association, Eastbourne, Wellington.


54 - Marshall, B.A., 1998b. A new monoplacophoran (Mollusca) from southern New Zealand. Molluscan Research 19: 53-58.


55 - Marshall, B.A., 1998c. Food and feeding mode of Thysanodontinae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Calliostomatidae). Molluscan Research 19: 69-72.


56 - Marshall, B.A., 1998d. A review of the Recent Trochini of New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochidae). Molluscan Research 19: 73-106.


57 - Marshall, B.A., 1998e. The New Zealand Recent species of Cantharidus Montfort, 1810 and Micrelenchus Finlay, 1926 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochidae). Molluscan Research 19: 107-156.


58 - Marshall, B.A., 1998f. A new deep-sea limpet of the genus Pectinodonta Dall, 1882 from New Zealand, and new distribution records for P. aupouria and P. morioria Marshall, 1985 (Mollusca: Gastropoda). The Nautilus 112: 52-57.


59 - Marshall, B.A., 1998g. List of marine Mollusca from Wellington Harbour and approaches. Cookia. Journal of the Wellington Shell Club New Zealand 9: 55-68.


60 - Brook, F.J. and Marshall, B.A., 1998. Checklist of benthic coastal marine Mollusca from the northern Kermadec Islands. Appendix, pp.210-233 in Brook, F.J., The coastal molluscan fauna of northern Kermadec Islands, southwest Pacific Ocean. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 28: 185-233.


61 - Cranfield, H.J., Gordon, D.P., Willan, R.C., Marshall, B.A., Battershill, C.N., Francis, M.P., Nelson, W.A., Glasby, C.J., and Reid, G.B., 1998. Adventive marine species in New Zealand. NIWA Technical Report 34. 48 pp.


62 - Marshall, B.A. and Crosby, D.D., 1998. Occurrence of the tropical and subtropical gastropod Strombus vomer vomer (Rōding, 1798) (Mollusca: Strombidae) off north-eastern Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 32: 135-137.


63 - Marshall, B.A., 1999a. Pulvinites exempla (Hedley, 1914) from the New Zealand region (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pulvinitidae). The Nautilus 112: 99-102.


64 - Marshall, B.A., 1999b. A revision of the Recent Solariellinae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea) of the New Zealand region. The Nautilus 113: 4-42.


65 – Ó Foighil, D., Marshall, B.A., Hilbish, T.J. and Pino, M.A., 1999. Trans-Pacific range extension by rafting is inferred for the flat oyster Ostrea chilensis. Biological Bulletin 196: 122-126.


66 - Marshall, B.A. and Burch, K.W., 2000. The New Zealand Recent Species of Muricopsis Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1882 (Gastropoda: Muricidae). The Nautilus 114: 18-29.


67 - Marshall, B.A. 2001a. Systematics of the genus Infundibulum Montfort, 1810 (Gastropoda: Trochidae). The Nautilus 114: 149-154.


68 - Marshall, B.A. 2001b. A replacement name for a New Caledonian Calliostoma species (Gastropoda: Trochidae). The Nautilus 115: 36.


69 - Marshall, B.A., 2001c. The genus Acesta H. & A. Adams, 1858 in the southwest Pacific (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Limidae). In Bouchet, P. and Marshall, B.A. (eds), Tropical deep-sea Benthos 22. Memoires de la Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 185: 97-109.


70 – Marshall, B.A. 2001d. Polinices update 2. Australasian Shell News 112: 7.


71- Marshall, B.A. and Bartle, J.A. 2002. Richard K. (Dick) Dell 1920-2002. Te Ara. Journal of Museums Aotearoa 27: 37.


72 - Marshall, B.A. 2002a. Authorship and date of publication of Ostrea chilensis Philippi in Küster, 1844 (Bivalvia: Ostreidae). The Nautilus 116: 66-67.


73 - Spencer, H.G., Willan, R.C., Marshall, B.A. and Murray, T.J. 2002. Checklist of the Recent Mollusca described from the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone. [updated 2011]


74 – Marshall, B.A. 2002b. Some Recent scissurellids from the New Zealand region, and remarks on some scissurellid genus group names (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda). Molluscan Research 22: 165-181.


75 - Marshall, B.A. 2002c. Some Recent Thraciidae, Periplomatidae, Myochamidae, Cuspidariidae and Spheniopsidae (Anomalodesmata) from the New Zealand region and referral of Thracia reinga Crozier, 1966 and Scintillona benthicola Dell, 1956 to Tellimya Brown, 1827 (Montacutidae) (Mollusca : Bivalvia). Molluscan Research 22: 221-288.


76 - Beu, A.G., Marshall, B.A., Ponder, W.F. 2003. Richard Kenneth (“Dick”) Dell, 1920-2002. Molluscan Research 23: 85-99.


77 - Marshall, B.A., 2003. A review of the Recent and Late Cenozoic Calyptraeidae of New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda). The Veliger 46: 117-144.


78 - Cosel, R. von and Marshall, B.A. 2003. Two new species of large mussels (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from active submarine volcanoes and a cold seep off the eastern North Island of New Zealand, with description of a new genus. The Nautilus 117: 31-46.


79 - Crampton, J.S., Beu, A.G., Cooper, R.A., Jones, C.M., Marshall, B.A. and Maxwell, P.A. 2003. Estimating the rock volume bias in paleobiodiversity studies. Science 301: 358-360.


80 - Marshall, B.A. 2004. New names for four common Marginellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from northern New Zealand. Molluscan Research 24: 7-20.


81 - Marshall, B.A. 2005. Recent and fossil invertebrate primary types in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa: Protozoa, Acanthocephala, Annelida, Brachiopoda, Gnathifera, Myxozoa, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Platyhelminthes, Porifera and Sipuncula. Tuhinga 16: 45-58. (JUNE)


82 - Crampton, J.S., Foote, M., Beu, A.G., Cooper, R.A., Matcham, I., Jones, C., Maxwell, P. A. and Marshall, B.A. 2006. Second-order sequence stratigraphic controls on the quality of the fossil record at an active margin: New Zealand Eocene to Recent shelf molluscs. Palaios 21: 86-105.


83 - Cooper, R.A., Maxwell, P. A., Crampton, M., Beu, A.G., Jones, C., and Marshall, B.A. 2006. Completeness of the fossil record: estimating losses due to small body size. Geology 34: 241-244.


84 - Marshall, B.A., Fenwick, M.C., 2006. Unio zelebori Dunker in Dunker & Zelebor, 1866, a form of Cafferia caffra (Krauss, 1848) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae). Molluscan Research 26: 19-22.


85 - Fenwick, M.C., Marshall, B.A., 2006. A new species of Echyridella from New Zealand, and recognition of Echyridella lucasi (Suter, 1905) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Hyriidae). Molluscan Research 26: 69-76.


86 - Marshall, B.A., 2006. Four new species of Monoplacophora (Mollusca) from the New Zealand region. Molluscan Research 26: 61-68.


87 - Marshall, B.A., Maxwell, P.A. Mannering, A.A., 2006. A Recent pulmonate (Charopidae) originally described as a Jurassic marine vetigastropod from New Zealand. Molluscan Research 26: 103-107.


88 - Crampton, J.S., Foote, M., Beu, A.G., Maxwell, P.A., Cooper, R.A., Matcham, I., Marshall, B.A. & Jones, C.M. 2006. The ark was full! Constant to declining Cenozoic shallow marine biodiversity on an isolated mid-latitude continent. Paleobiology 32: 509-532.


89 - Fukuda, H., Ponder, W.F., Marshall, B.A. 2006. Anatomy and relationships of Suterilla Thiele with descriptions of three new species (Caenogastropoda: Assimineidae). Molluscan Research 26: 141-168.


90 - Haase, M., Marshall, B.A. & Hogg, I. 2007 Disentangling causes of disjunction on the South Island of New Zealand: the Alpine fault hypothesis of vicariance revisited. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 361-374.


91 - Marshall, B.A. & Barker, G.M. 2007. A revision of New Zealand landsnails of the genus Cytora Kobelt & Mōllendorff, 1897 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pupinidae). Tuhinga 18: 49-133.


92 - Geiger, D.L., Marshall, B.A., Ponder, W.F., Sasaki, T. & Warén, A. 2007. Techniques for collecting, handling, preparing, storing and examining small molluscan specimens. Molluscan Research 27: 1-50.


93 – Beu, A.G., Fordyce E. & Marshall, B.A. 2007. Phillip Alan Maxwell, 5 April 1940 - 5 February 2007. Geological Society of New Zealand Newsletter 143: 29-33.



94 - Foote, M., Crampton, J.S., Beu, A.G., Marshall, B.A., Cooper, R.A., Maxwell, P.A. & Matcham, I. 2007. Rise and fall of species occupancy in Cenozoic fossil mollusks. Science 318: 1131-1134 (plus 31 pages of online supporting material -


95 - MacKinnon, D.I., Hiller, N., Long, S.L. and Marshall, B.A., 2008. Neoaemula, a new genus of platidiid brachiopod, with new observations on species referred to the Recent platidiid brachiopod genus Amphithyris Thomson. Fossils and Strata 54: 321-331.


96- Dijkstra, H.H. & Marshall, B.A. 2008. The Recent Pectinoidea of the New Zealand region (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Pectinidae and Spondylidae). Molluscan Research 28: 1-88.


97 - Marshall, B.A. & Barker, G.M. 2008. A revision of the New Zealand landsnails currently referred to Allodiscus Pilsbry, 1892 and Pseudallodiscus Climo, 1971, with introduction of three new genera (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Charopidae). Tuhinga 19: 57-167.


98 – Beu, A.G., Marshall, B.A. 2008. Mollusca of the Wellington south coast. Chapter 16, pp 262-287 in Gardner, J & Bell, J. (eds) The Taputeranga Marine Reserve. First Edition Ltd, Wellington. [oct 2008]


99 – Spencer, H.G., Marshall, B.A., Maxwell, P.A., Grant-Mackie, J.A., Stilwell, J.D., Willan, R.C., Campbell, H.J., Crampton, J.S., Henderson, R.A., Bradshaw, M.A., Waterhouse, J.B. & Pojeta, J. Jr. 2009. Phylum Mollusca: chitons, clams, tusk shells, squids and kin. In Gordon, D.P. (ed.), New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. 161-254.


100– Spencer, H.G., Marshall, B.A., Willan, R.C. 2009. Recent Mollusca. In Gordon, D.P. (ed.), New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. 196-219.


101 – Spencer, H.G., Marshall, B.A., Waters, J.M. 2009. Systematics and phylogeny of a new cryptic species of Diloma Philippi (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochidae) from a novel habitat, the bull-kelp holdfast communities of southern New Zealand. Invertebrate Systematics 23, 19-25. april


102 Nakano, T., Marshall, B.A., Kennedy, M. & Spencer, H.G. 2009. The phylogeny and taxonomy of New Zealand Notoacmea and Patelloida species (Mollusca: Patellogastropoda: Lottiidae), inferred from DNA sequences. Molluscan Research 29, 33-59. april


103 – Anseeuw, B., Marshall, B.A. & Terryn, Y. 2009. The New Zealand chitons Ischnochiton luteoroseus Suter, 1907 and Ischnochiton granulifer Thiele, 1909 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora).Mollusca Research 29: 147-154 [September]


104 Marshall, B.A. & Oliverio, M. 2009. The Recent Coralliophilinae of the New Zealand region, with descriptions of two new species (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Muricidae). Molluscan Research 29: 155-173 [September]


105- Worthy, T.H., Hand, S.J., Lee, M.S,Y., Hutchinson, M., Tennyson, A.J.D., Scofield, R.P., Marshall, B.A., Worthy, J.P., Nguyen, J.M.T., Boles, W.E. & Archer, M. (2009) New Zealand’s St Bathans fauna: an update on its composition and relationships. In Trewick, S, Hiller, N. & Cooper, R. (eds) Geology & Genes IV. Wellington: Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 126. 40-43.


106- Crampton, J.S., Cooper, R.A., Beu, A.G., Foote, M. & Marshall, B.A. 2010. Biotic influences on species duration: interactions between traits in marine molluscs. Paleobiology 36 (2): 204-223.


107- Beu, A.G. & Marshall, B.A. 2010. Austrofusus Kobelt, 1879 replaced by Aethocola Iredale, 1915 in New Zealand (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Buccinulidae). Molluscan Research 30: 53-55.


108. Cosel, R. von & Marshall, B.A. 2010. A new genus and species of large mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from the Kermadec Ridge. Tuhinga 21: 59-73. [10 August]


109. Saether, K.P., Little, C.T.S., Campbell, K.A., Marshall, B.A., Collins, M. & Alfaro, A.C. 2010. New fossil mussels (Mollusca: Mytilidae) from Miocene hydrocarbon seep deposits, North Island, New Zealand, with general remarks on vent and seep mussels. Zootaxa 2577: 1-45.


110. Freeman, D.J., Marshall, B.A., Ahyong, S.T., Wong, S.R. & Hitchmough, R.A. 2010. Conservation status of New Zealand marine invertebrates, 2009. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44: 129-148.


111. Townsend, M., Marshall, B.A. & Greenfield, B.L. 2010. First Records of the Australian dog whelk, Nassarius (Plicarcularia) burchardi (Dunker in Philippi, 1849) (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44: 343-348.


112 - Beu, A.G. & Marshall, B.A. 2011. Special issue: Paleontology and malacology papers in memory of Phillip Maxwell – foreword. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 54: 1.


113- Beu, A.G. Fordyce, E. & Marshall, B.A. 2011. Phillip Alan Maxwell MSc, PhD, 5 April 1940–5 February 2007. Obituary, taxa and bibliography. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 54: 3-12.


114- Beu, A.G. & Marshall, B.A. 2011. New Cenozoic records of genera and families from New Zealand (Mollusca, Gastropoda): highlights from Phillip Maxwell’s collection. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 54: 13-34.


115. Marshall, B.A. & Houart, R. 2011. The genus Pagodula (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Muricidae) in Australia, the New Zealand region, and the Tasman Sea. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 54: 89-114.


116. Marshall, B.A. 2011. A new species of Latia Gray, 1850 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygrophila: Chilinoidea: Latiidae) from Miocene Palaeo-lake Manuherikia, southern New Zealand, and biogeographic implications. Molluscan Research 31: 47-52.


117- Beu, A.G. & Marshall, B.A. 2011. Retraction: Austrofusus glans (Rōding, 1798) is the type species of Austrofusus Kobelt, 1879 (Gastropoda: Buccinulidae). Molluscan Research 31: 61-62.


118 – Marshall, B.A. 2011. Family Cerithiopsidae H. Adams & A. Adams, 1853. In Severns, M. Shells of the Hawaiian Islands. The seashells. ConchBooks, Hackenheim. 238-246.

119 – Davidson, J., Findlater, A., Fyfe, R., MacDonald, J. & Marshall, B.A. 2011. Connections with Hawaiki: the evidence of a shell tool from Wairau Bar, Marlborough, New Zealand.  Journal of Pacific Archaeology 2: 93-102.


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