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Kete whakairo (patterned bag)

Object | Part of Taonga Māori collection

item details

NameKete whakairo (patterned bag)
ProductionUnknown; weaver; 1800-1833; New Zealand
Classificationkete, bags
Materialsmuka (fibre), harakeke
Materials SummaryHarakeke (New Zealand flax)
Techniqueshand weaving, raranga
DimensionsOverall: 600mm (width), 280mm (height), 70mm (depth)
Registration NumberME013967
Credit linePurchased 1977


This kete whakairo is one of the finest examples of its type in the collections. If it's given provenance is correct it may also be the oldest documented kete in Te Papa's collection. It is woven from very fine strips of plain undyed, and black and brown dyed, strips of harakeke. It also has one small irregular rectangular block pattern on one side.

It was purchased at auction in 1977 by the Museum of New Zealand. At the time of purchase it had a label attached that read, "Lent by C. H. Chapman to the society for the Propagation of the Gospel for the Croydon Exhibition 1833."

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